Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hall Ranch Ride

I rode Hall Ranch on Friday hoping to post up a time for the loop - but accidentally reset my computer. OOPS!!

Anyway - I ride from the skate park/ library and up the road to The antelope trailhead. From there I climb up to the main trail and continue climbing to the lollypop loop (Nelson?). I'll ride the lollypop and come down the main trail (bitterbush?)through the long rock garden, down through the lower parking lot and back out to the road. From the road it's an easy spin back to town and to my automobile.

I did manage to watch the time from the 1.1 mile marker on the top loop all the way down to the road (through the parking lot). Even though I came to a complete stop 3 times waiting for groups of riders to climb the opposite way - I did it in under 13 minutes. I'm thinking it was around 12:45... but I didn't have the timer on. I think that the mileage (DH) was about 4.8 miles. This must be a pretty decent time as I was pedaling hard the whole way down. I was taking some race run lines as well - so I took a few big risks to get down as fast as possible. I'm not advocating that others do this... but it was a good time.

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